A little light reading for us beer geeks.

Beer in Spain - 2024 Market Summary
Beer saw moderate growth in total volume terms in 2023, with much stronger growth in total current value terms. The strong value growth was fuelled by inflationary pressures and an increase in unit prices rather than a significant increase in demand. Despite an almost complete recovery in domestic and inbound tourist numbers in Spain sales of beer through the on-trade remained below pre-pandemic levels in volume terms. In fact, on-trade volume sales fell for the first time since 2020 when severe restrictions were in place due to the pandemic. The decline in consumer purchasing power combined with a sharp rise in the cost of living had a big impact on consumer demand for beer, especially in the on-trade.

New Consumer Landscape: Rethinking Consumer Industries
The COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the consumer landscape, giving rise to changes in consumer priorities and preferences. This requires companies across a range consumer industries – from alcoholic drinks and apparel and footwear through to home care and consumer finance – to rethink their strategies and innovate to meet the changing needs of post-pandemic consumers.

Competitive Strategies in Beverage Alcohol and Craft Beer
PACRIM analyzes the top 6 competitive strategy trends in beverage alcohol for the calendar year 2022. Supplemented with data from Euromonitor International.

Key Themes In Recreating Social Occasions For Craft Beer In 2021
In this post we look at recreating social occasions in depth. Five key themes emerge; (1) the new roaring 20s, (2) a new social geography, (3) new moods and new occasions, (4) the advance of hometainment, and (5) a new path to purcahse.

What will socialising look like in the post-pandemic era?
PACRIM takes a deep dive into exploring social occasions and how to recreate what we know and love in a post-covid world What themes are present currently and what do you need to know?!

Craft Beer Import and Export Vital For Survival Through 2025
The craft brewing landscape is changing dramatically, which is exasperated by Covid 19 and an increasingly competitive environment. We lay out 5 craft beer trends regarding export which will allow craft brewers to survive the local market conditions.