A little light reading for us beer geeks.

Alcoholic Drinks in China 2024 Market Summary
Total volume of alcoholic drinks in China saw a marginal rebound in 2023, shifting from decline in 2022 to a slight single-digit increase in 2023. However, the off-trade channel experienced a slight decrease in volume sales, while the on-trade channel saw a low single-digit volume increase.

The Business Case for Canadian Craft Beer Export
Canada boasts an immensely diverse landscape, from its towering mountains to its vast prairies. This bounty of nature isn't just for show – it plays a pivotal role in influencing the taste and quality of Canadian craft beers.

Competitive Strategies in Beverage Alcohol - November 2022
Topline data from the latest report on Competitive Strategies in Beverage Alcohol for 2022, featuring data from Euromonitor and insight from PACRIM Distributors Inc. Full report available info@pacrimdistributors.com

Key Themes In Recreating Social Occasions For Craft Beer In 2021
In this post we look at recreating social occasions in depth. Five key themes emerge; (1) the new roaring 20s, (2) a new social geography, (3) new moods and new occasions, (4) the advance of hometainment, and (5) a new path to purcahse.

HOT TAKE: 6 Export Tips for Breweries Looking to Sell in Asia
There was a time, long ago, when beer was categorized as either domestic or import. Both tasted the same, but one was more expensive. Today, we Canadians are living in the golden age for beer. Not only do consumers enjoy an incredibly wide selection of breweries and beer styles, but Canadian breweries make remarkably good beer. So why not share with the rest of the world?

Shifting craft beer market frontiers: opportunities in emerging Asia and Africa
As the craft beer industry continues to rebound post Covid-19, emerging and developing countries will remain the principal drivers of global economic growth in the long term. Asian consumers will continue to be key for global business, while African middle-class households are gaining importance.

Topline market data for craft beer in India featuring 2020 data from Euromonitor International

Covid 19 and the Impact on Global Craft Beer in 2021
Covid-19 continues to impact craft beer. Garett Senez, Partner of PACRIM Distributors offers perspective of how craft beer distributors can innovate in the space to secure their long run business viability