A little light reading for us beer geeks.

Food, Beverages and Tobacco Global Industry Overview
In the latest report from PACRIM with Euromonitor, we examine how the food, beverages and tobacco industry is performing globally and in the largest countries in terms of food, beverages and tobacco output. The report also provides data for production, market size, imports, exports, industry costs, industry profitability and number of companies. The industry and market overview provide benchmarks against other countries in the region.

Topline market data for craft beer in South Africa featuring 2020 data from Euromonitor International

Downsizing: A Solution for Premium Brands in the Covid-19 Era
Smaller format spirits can be the cure to the covid-19 sales hangover, as evidenced by many international export markets, including Latin America.

6 defining features that consumers associate with "craft"
It is becoming increasingly difficult to define what exactly is craft beer, and what separates itself versus the other types of beer on market. Sure, craft is small by definition - but what else. Here we list 6 definitions that consumers around the world associate with “craft” beer.

PACRIM's Summary for Beer in Taiwan
Topline market data for craft beer in Taiwan featuring 2020 data from Euromonitor International